[Quaternion] Quaternion:New( [number] x, [number] y, [number] z, [number] w )
Creates a new quaternion
[Quaternion] Quaternion:Identity()
Returns an identity quaternion (x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1)
[Quaternion] Quaternion:FromAxisAngle( [Vector3] axis, [number] angle )
Returns a quaternion which rotates by the specified angle (in degrees) around the specified axis.
Quaternion:Length, Quaternion:SqrLength[]
[number] Quaternion:Length() [number] Quaternion:SqrLength()
Returns the magnitude (or the square of the magnitude) of the specified quaternion
Quaternion * Quaternion[]
Returns a new quaternion, result of the composition of the two specified quaternions
Note that order matters, A * B isn't equivalent to B * A for quaternions.
Quaternion.Slerp( [Quaternion] a, [Quaternion] b, [number] amount )
Do a (spherical) linear interpolation between orientation a and orientation b, by the specified amount (between 0 and 1).
Example: Get the orientation half-way between two orientations[]
local a = Quaternion:FromAxisAngle( Vector3:Up(), 45 ) local b = Quaternion:FromAxisAngle( Vector3:Left(), 20 ) local halfwayOrientation = Quaternion.Slerp( a, b, 0.5 )