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Upgrading your project to the latest script API version[]


Changing the Script API Version

You can decide which version of the API to use by going in the administration tab (little gear icon in the top right corner of the home tab of your project).

It is highly recommended to always use the latest version, obviously.

New projects always use the latest version by default. Existing projects are not automatically migrated though.

Version 5 (Runtime - aka CraftStudio Beta)[]

Strict global variables are now enabled. This means you can't assign a value to a non-local variable in a function, unless it has already been assigned a value at the root of a script.

This helps avoid accidental global variables which are common place in Lua, by making sure you actively declare your globals as such.

declaredVariable = nil

function MyFunction()
    -- Declared global variable: Works
    declaredVariable = 5

    -- Local variable: works
    local myVariable = 5

    -- Undeclared global variable: Raises an error
    undeclaredVariable = 5

Version 4 (Runtime[]

This version changes the signature of GameObject:GetScriptedBehavior()

In previous versions, GameObject:GetScriptedBehavior() would accept a string representing the full path of the script whose corresponding behavior was to be returned.

For better consistency with GameObject:CreateScriptedBehavior() and other functions, GameObject:GetScriptedBehavior() now accepts a reference to the script itself.

self.gameObject:GetScriptedBehavior( "Folder/Some Script" )

Should be rewritten as:

self.gameObject:GetScriptedBehavior( CraftStudio.FindAsset( "Folder/Some Script" ) )

Version 3 (Runtime[]

This version fixes the sign of Vector3:Forward() and Vector3:Left().

In previous versions, Vector3:Forward() returned (0,0,1) which is inconsistent with XNA's coordinate system. Starting with version 3 of the API, Vector3:Forward returns a vector with a value of (0,0,-1).

Same goes for Vector3:Left() which returned (1,0,0) instead of (-1,0,0).

Vector3:Up() remains unchanged as it was already properly defined as (0,1,0).

Version 2 (Runtime[]

This version introduces an initial version of the Quaternion class and make it the default for Transform:Rotate and Transform:RotateLocal.

Existing code using Transform:Rotate / Transform:RotateLocal with euler angles should either switch to Transform:RotateEulerAngles / Transform:RotateLocalEulerAngles or use quaternions.

Quaternions are mathematical objects made of four components (often named X, Y, Z and W) but you can think of them as some kind of opaque, magic object describing orientations efficiently. You can compose orientations by multiplying two quaternions (the order is important, composing A * B doesn't give the same resulting orientation as B * A).

Version 1 (Runtime[]

This version introduces several math classes that provide useful operations: Vector3, Ray, Plane.

Transform:SetPosition, Transform:SetLocalPosition, Transform:SetLocalScale, Transform:SetLocalEulerAngles, Transform:Move, Transform:MoveLocal, Transform:MoveOriented, Transform:Rotate and Transform:RotateLocal now take a Vector3 as an argument instead of 3 numbers.

Previously you would have written:

self.transform:SetLocalPosition( 10, 5, 3 )

The new version should read:

self.transform:SetLocalPosition( Vector3:New( 10, 5, 3 ) )

Version 0 (Runtime and earlier)[]

First version.