CraftStudio Wiki
CraftStudio Wiki

Note: exporting is a premium-only feature. Head over to to buy a premium account.

Deprecated wiki[]

1379540211 519791-101 Warning

This wiki is not official
The official wiki was, but that wiki has since been discontinued.
The contents of this page may be outdated, so continue at your own risk.

Running your game[]

To run your game, you'll need to setup the initial scene in the administration tab.

You'll also need to have a Camera component on a game object in your scene in order to see anything.

Once you're done, just click on the play button in the top-right corner of the project's home tab.

Exporting your game for sharing / publishing[]


The Game Export button

Just click on the export button in the top-right corner of the project's home tab and it should offer to create a zip archive (or .app package if you're on OS X)

Players don't need to have CraftStudio installed, but they will need: